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Aldnoah.Zero Season One, Vol. 2 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Olympus Olympus Knights / Pinakes / Sheldon Drzka and more

About this eBook

As the flames of war spread across the globe, the terrans find themselves thoroughly outmatched by the Martian Kataphrakts. While Nao's brilliant tactical analysis may have enabled his ragtag unit to prevail over the Kataphrakts once or twice, these small victories are hardly enough to turn the tide.
As Princess Asseylum grapples with her conscience over whether she should reveal her true identity in an effort to save lives, her grandfather--His Majesty Rayregalia Vers Rayvers--orders an abrupt cease-fire. With so many clamoring for bloodshed, how long can this frail peace hold?

Product Details

Series Title Aldnoah.Zero Season One
Japanese Title ALDNOAH.ZERO
By (author) Olympus Olympus Knights
By (artist) Pinakes
Translated by Sheldon Drzka
Letterer Lys Blakeslee
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Mecha ,Action ,Completed Series ,Sci-fi ,Anime ,Drama ,Robots/Cyborgs/Androids
Available since August 18, 2016 (08:00 AM) PT / August 19, 2016 (12:00 AM) JST
Page count 148pages (*Note)

US $6.99

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