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Agent Boo manga chapter book volume 1 - Int'l Manga

  • Int'l Manga

ALEX DE CAMPI / Edo Fuijkschot

About this eBook

With thousands of parallel worlds to keep in line, an Agent's job is important, not to mention dangerous. But look out, Space City! Boo is about to become the Agents' newest recruit! Sure, she's small, and she does scare easily. But with a little luck, a lot of courage, and a grumpy cat named Pumpkin on her side, Agent Boo will learn that sometimes it's good to be the littlest!

Product Details

Series Title Agent Boo manga? (Manga)
Artist Edo Fuijkschot
Publisher Tokyopop
Genre Int'l Manga ,Sci-fi
Available since August 31, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / August 31, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 97pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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