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I'm the Catlords' Manservant, Vol. 3 - Manga

  • Manga

Rat Kitaguni / Rachel Pierce / Alexandra McCullough-Garcia

About this eBook

When Yukiharu receives a mysterious message threatening to expose Akira and Susumu’s secret, he immediately assumes the worst. So when the cat’s let out of the bag, it’s a huge relief—the bakenekos’ stellar physical abilities just so happened to attract the attention of the clueless school baseball team. But Akira’s and Susumu’s displays of otherworldly prowess also catch the eye of a rather whimsical passerby who seems to have an inkling of what they are…

Product Details

Series Title I'm the Catlords' Manservant
Japanese Title 僕はお猫様の下僕です。 (Boku wa Oneko-sama no Geboku desu.)
Alternative Title I Am Their Catships' Catservant, Toritsuita Onryou ga Kawaisugite Shiawase desu
By (author) Rat Kitaguni
Letterer Rachel Pierce
Translated by Alexandra McCullough-Garcia
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Comedy ,Drama ,Mystery ,School Life ,Shounen ,Slice of Life ,Supernatural ,Cats ,Shoujo
Available since May 31, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / May 31, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 198pages (*Note)

US $6.99

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