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An Unmapped Country, Somewhere In This World (Yaoi Manga), Volume 1 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed


An Unmapped Country, Somewhere In This World (Yaoi Manga), Volume 1

About this eBook

""This is a kiss for my seven years of love for you.""
Letting his curiosity guide him on a trip around the world, Shin's hard work has allowed him to infiltrate a land completely cut off from the world, the ""unmapped country,"" Oraie. In a country filled with mystery, Shin meets the noble young king Musutia and his cool and refined servant, the beauty Noe.
In order to save the life of Musutia, infected with a near fatal disease unique to Oraie, Shin bears witness to the repeated practice of a ""healing kiss"" between lord and retainer. In wake of Noe's burning lust, will Shin...? Will a day come when lord and vassal can ""kiss for love,"" before they both go crazy from yearning?
Penned with all of Taino Nikke's power of craft, we give you a beautiful tale of fated love in a small fantastical land.

Product Details

Series Title An Unmapped Country, Somewhere In This World, Chapter Collections
Japanese Title その世のどこか、地図にない国 (Sonoyo no Dokoka, Chizu ni nai Kuni)
Publisher MediBang(global)
Genre Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Completed Series ,Drama
Available since July 21, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / July 21, 2020 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 233pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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