Go ahead, cum all you want. His big, hard cock loves me passionately... I didn't know my nice, kind chief was such a freak in bed!! Mahiro Okazaki is an overworked office employee. Her only comfort is Chief Tadokoro, her mild-mannered, dependable middle-aged manager. She thought her feelings for him were just a crush, but the more she gets to know him, the deeper those feelings become... I like you, she confesses on the spur of the moment! He suddenly sounds different- I'm a lot less nice than you could possibly imagine. He's 18 years older than me, but he goes at it unbelievably hard... I just came, but I'm gonna cum again...!
(C)Yoshikazu Mib/Mobile Media Research
Series Title | My Middle-Aged Boss Is An Unfair Stud~Let's Start Our Weekend-Only Romance |
Author | Yoshikazu Mib |
Publisher | Mobile Media Research |
Genre | Manga ,Chapter Release ,Romance ,Completed Series ,Mature |
Available since | December 16, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / December 16, 2022 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 27pages (*Note) |
US $1.50
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