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Defeating the Demon Lord's a Cinch (If You've Got a Ringer), Vol. 2 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel
  • Full Illust

Tsukikage / Caleb DeMarais

About this eBook

Next stop on the party's quest to defeat the Demon Lord: Yutith's Tomb, home to undead monsters. It's a great place to level up a bunch of novices, but there's just one problem -- the hero is terrified of the undead! On the bright side, the party may have finally found a priest to join their quest. She's an apprentice and can't cast any spells, but that's still better than nothing, right? In the meantime, the party's previous priest, Ares, trails behind them, providing support in secret -- and pulling a few strings -- until they can defeat the Demon Lord once and for all.

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