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Ghost in the Cell - Manga

  • Manga

Misao Inagaki

About this eBook

Accompanying their father on a temporary job relocation, two sisters, Mie and Ai, find themselves dismayed at the creepy vibe of their new home. The two bedrooms on the second floor in particular almost seem to be possessed. Sensing something is wrong, Mie ventures into Ai's bedroom one day, when all of a sudden, her cell phone rings. However, the voice on the other end is disturbingly not human-like. Compounding Mie's fear is the sudden change in the appearance of Ai, who goes from stylish and beautiful too worn out and emaciated just like that. Suspecting the mysterious phone call, Mie begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together...

Product Details

Series Title Ghost in the Cell (Manga)
author Misao Inagaki
Publisher G2Comix(AAG)
Genre Manga ,Horror
Available since April 05, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / April 05, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 25pages (*Note)

US $1.00

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