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Witch Hat Atelier 9 - Manga

  • Manga

Kamome Shirahama

About this eBook


With their magic contraptions in hand, Coco and her friends head to Ezrest for the annual festival, Silver Eve! The cobblestone streets of the crown city are lined with vibrant tents, and visitors from across the land partake in reunions and greetings anew. Here, witches, royals, the Knights Moralis, and even the Three Wise converge—each party carrying with them their private motivations and powerful histories. However, the bright lights and merriment lure in the uninvited as well...

Product Details

Series Title Witch Hat Atelier
Japanese Title とんがり帽子のアトリエ (Tongari Boushi no Atelier)
Alternative Title Atelier of Witch Hat
Writer Kamome Shirahama
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Drama ,Fantasy ,Magic ,Seinen ,Witch ,Dragon
Available since June 21, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / June 21, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 178pages (*Note)
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US $10.99

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