In the past, Hitokoto-Nushi readily granted the wishes of all who made the treacherous climb up Mount Katsuragi. For a determined supplicant, the fulfillment of their heart’s desire could forever change the trajectory of their life, for better or for worse. But as the number of visitors swelled, Hitokoto-Nushi’s sudden illness grew more dire. And for Hitokoto-Nushi, not meeting the persistent outcry of her pilgrims could prove dangerous — if not for the god herself, then for anyone who stood in their way…
Series Title | Touge Oni: Primal Gods in Ancient Times (Manga) |
By (author) | Kenji Tsurubuchi |
Translated by | Ko Ransom |
Letterer | Abigail Blackman |
Publisher | Yen Press |
Genre | Manga |
Available since | July 30, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / July 30, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 228pages (*Note) |
US $6.99
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