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This Is Screwed Up, but I Was Reincarnated as a GIRL in Another World! (Manga) Vol. 2 - Manga

  • Manga

Ashi / Keyaki Uchiuchi

About this eBook


Ren was once a scientist--and a man--in our world. Now she's a healthy young girl with magic powers and all the knowledge of chemistry and physics of a modern adult genius! She's tamed a mother wolf and pup, and is living out her days in cheerful isolation when some strangers knock on her door, demanding help with a deadly plague! The answer is a simple one, but it's going to make life very complicated for Ren when a young man keeps sniffing around, hoping for a closer look...

Product Details

Series Title This Is Screwed Up, but I Was Reincarnated as a GIRL in Another World! (Manga)
Japanese Title よくわからないけれど異世界に転生していたようです (Yoku Wakaranai keredo Isekai ni Tensei shiteita you desu)
Alternative Title Yoku Wakaranai keredo Isekai ni Tensei shiteita you desu, I Don't Really Get It, but It Looks Like I Was Reincarnated in Another World
Author Ashi
Artist Keyaki Uchiuchi
Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment
Genre Manga ,Comedy ,Ecchi ,Fantasy ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Gender Bender ,Seinen ,Adventure ,Magic
Available since July 12, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / July 12, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 164pages (*Note)

US $9.99

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