IT’S HARD BEING POPULARWith the Relic of Sloth in his grasp, Jooheon is off to a great start. But there’s no time to rest on his laurels — the second of the Seven Great Tombs has suddenly appeared right in his home country! Living up to its name, the Tomb of Lust proves to be quite the rosy adventure. Instead of the usual traps and enemies, Jooheon finds himself running from hordes of bewitched women trying to have their way with him…But just as he is cornered and about to fall prey to unbridled desire, a familiar power strikes out at his aggressors. It seems there’s someone out there who’s very invested in keeping other women away from Jooheon!
Series Title | Tomb Raider King (Manga) |
By (artist) | 3B2S |
By (author) | SAN.G |
Adapted by | Yuns(REDICE Yuns(REDICE STUDIO) |
Letterer | Adnazeer Macalangcom |
Publisher | Ize Press |
Genre | Manga ,Action ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Fantasy ,Harem ,Shounen |
Available since | March 19, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / March 19, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 306pages (*Note) |
US $9.99
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