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Kagerou Daze, Vol. 13 (manga) - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Jin (Shizen no Teki-P) / Mahiro Satou / Sidu and more

About this eBook

The Medusa takes “command”…

Taking the offensive, the remaining members of the Mekakushi-dan call out the “clearing eyes” snake to a final confrontation. Awakened to her Medusa powers, Marie masterfully wields multiple snake abilities, intertwining them in new ways that surprise and enrage “clearing eyes,” drawing him to the battleground. Will the confidence of her challenge hold when she and her friends fight-and fall to-their deadly foe? The future hangs in the balance…if there is to be a future at all!!

Product Details

Series Title Kagerou Daze (Manga)
Japanese Title カゲロウデイズ (Kagerou Daze)
Alternative Title Kagerou Days, Heat-Haze Days
By (author) Jin (Shizen no Teki-P)
By (artist) Mahiro Satou
Designed by Sidu / WANNYANPOO
Translated by Kevin Gifford
Letterer Abigail Blackman
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Anime ,Drama ,Mystery ,Comedy ,Supernatural ,Romance ,Completed Series ,Imouto ,Non-Human
Available since November 26, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / November 26, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 164pages (*Note)

US $6.99

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