Valentine's Day has come, and the members of the Cultural Research Club have been embroiled in yet another supernatural phenomenon. But they're old hands at this by now. How hard could it be to enjoy some normal high school romance for once? Never mind that they can hear each other's strongest sentiments at the most inconvenient times, while their inhuman tormentor is taking on a more direct role than ever. The stress of endless abnormal living may be too much for some, while others start to wonder whether their club is even worth continuing - which may be out of their hands as end-of-year club presentations and school politics threaten its very existence! When the place they carved out together is threatened both from without and within, how will they be able to overcome this latest challenge? Everything is on the line in the 4th volume of Sadanatsu Anda's dramedy series.
Copyright (C) 2011 Sadanatsu AndaIllustrations Copyright (C) 2011 Shiromizakana
Series Title | Kokoro Connect (Light Novels) |
Japanese Title | ココロコネクト (Kokoro Connect) |
Alternative Title | Kokoroco |
Author | Sadanatsu Anda |
Artist | Shiromizakana |
Publisher | J-Novel Club |
Genre | Light Novels ,Comedy ,Gender Bender ,Romance ,School Life ,Shounen ,Supernatural ,Anime ,Full-size Illustration |
Available since | March 01, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / March 01, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 200pages (*Note) |
US $7.99
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