Over a decade before the events of the manga series, a chance encounter leads professional bodyguard Yukichi Fukuzawa to begrudgingly take an arrogant boy genius named Ranpo Edogawa under his wing. Their first job brings them to a local theater on high alert after receiving a bizarre death threat—a challenge that will require both Ranpo’s brains and Fukuzawa’s experience. The aftermath spurs Fukuzawa to establish the Armed Detective Agency, an organization that takes on dangerous jobs even the police won’t handle!Plus, get a glimpse of the agency the night before Atsushi Nakajima joined the team!
Series Title | Bungo Stray Dogs (Light Novels) |
Japanese Title | 文豪ストレイドッグス (Bungou Stray Dogs) |
Alternative Title | Bunsuto, Bungosd |
By (author) | Kafka Asagiri / Sango Harukawa |
Translated by | Matthew Rutsohn |
Publisher | Yen On |
Genre | Light Novels ,Action ,Drama ,Mystery ,Seinen ,Supernatural ,Full-size Illustration ,Anime ,Winter Anime 2021 ,Workplace ,Winter Anime 2023 ,Summer Anime 2023 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | February 18, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / February 18, 2020 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 200pages (*Note) |
US $7.99
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