An unexplained spate of suicides by skill users worldwide has sent the Armed Detective Agency on a search for Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, a mysterious skill user who may be connected. Each incident occurs under the blanket of a thick fog...just like the one descending on Yokohama. Kyouka Izumi and Atsushi Nakajima are hot on Shibusawa’s heels when they run into their enemy Ryuunosuke Akutagawa—but this time, the three share the same goal: Find Shibusawa and save Yokohama from certain destruction!Discover what lies beyond the eerie mist in this novelization of the hit anime film Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple!
Series Title | Bungo Stray Dogs (Light Novels) |
Japanese Title | 文豪ストレイドッグス (Bungou Stray Dogs) |
Alternative Title | Bunsuto, Bungosd |
By (author) | Kafka Asagiri |
By (artist) | Ganjii |
Translated by | Matthew Rutsohn |
Publisher | Yen On |
Genre | Light Novels ,Action ,Drama ,Mystery ,Seinen ,Supernatural ,Anime ,Winter Anime 2021 ,Workplace ,Winter Anime 2023 ,Summer Anime 2023 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | December 29, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / December 29, 2020 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 187pages (*Note) |
US $8.99
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