Tamae Kagami is an employee who tends to sleep more than most people, so everyone calls her "Ms. Break." After working on a bug in the game her company created, she takes a long nap?only to wake up to a strange window on her computer screen that prompts her to input a level number. Although she doesn't know what the level is for, she inputs 9,000, just for fun, and presses the enter key. Before she knows it, she wakes up again?this time, she's reborn in a parallel universe.
©Yuusuke Miyauchi ,MasamiT/Renta Comics
Series Title | Ms. Break Needs a Break! -I'm a Friend of Humans, Even Though I Was Reborn As a Strong Demon- (Manga) |
author | Yuusuke Miyauchi |
story | MasamiT |
Publisher | Renta Comics |
Genre | Manga ,Chapter Release ,Workplace ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Fantasy ,Adventure ,Video Games / Game Adaptation / Game Elements ,Non-Human ,Monster Girls |
Available since | January 26, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / January 26, 2023 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 26pages (*Note) |
US $2.00
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