Now the basis of a live-action movie, the razor-sharp series continues to delight, featuring more than its usual share of female characters in this much-awaited, brand-new installment. Meet a well-adjusted expatriate who was the first Japanese demi-human to be discovered; elite bureaucrat Tosaki's ailing love interest, his moral anchor and hazard; and Ritsu Nagai, our calculating hero's no-nonsense mom. As a bonus, get to know Sam “Sato” Owen's mother's side of the family (they offer excellent business opportunities).
(C) Tsuina Miura / Gamon Sakurai / Kodansha Ltd.
Series Title | Ajin: Demi Human |
Japanese Title | 亜人 (Ajin) |
Author | Gamon Sakurai |
Publisher | Kodansha |
Genre | Manga ,TV Drama / Live-Action ,Mystery ,Supernatural ,Action ,Anime ,Drama ,Non-Human ,Completed Series |
Available since | October 10, 2017 (12:00 AM) PT / October 10, 2017 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 196pages (*Note) |
Chapters included in this volume | Ajin: Demi Human, Chapter 44 Ajin: Demi Human, Chapter 45 Ajin: Demi Human, Chapter 46 Ajin: Demi Human, Chapter 47 Ajin: Demi Human, Chapter 48 |
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