In the year 1889, in the mystical city of London, the phantom thief Lupin sets his eyes on the black diamond possessed by Mr. Fogg, known as "The Penultimate Night." True to his word, Lupin appears and orchestrates an inescapable "enclosure." Will the black diamond "The Penultimate Night" be stolen as it stands? With everybody involved-Lupin, Holmes, the agents from Lloyd's, the Cage User, and unexpected guests...?! The race for the black diamond, filled with eccentric characters, is in full swing!
Yugo Aosaki, Haruka Tomoyama/Kodansha Ltd.
Series Title | Undead Girl Murder Farce |
Japanese Title | アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス (Undead Girl Murder Farce) |
Writer | Yugo Aosaki |
Artist | Haruka Tomoyama |
Publisher | Kodansha |
Genre | Manga ,Mystery ,Seinen ,Vampires ,Non-Human ,Supernatural ,Anime-adaptation coupon |
Available since | April 16, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / April 16, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 149pages (*Note) |
US $10.99
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