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Kino's Journey 3 - Manga

  • Manga

Iruka Shiomiya

About this eBook

""The new queen put the twisted kingdom back on a proper path, but she decided to carry on the tradition of the tournaments that the people were wildly enthusiastic about. And she's always been fond of vehicles.""
""I see...""
""Makes sense to me!""
""Anyone who wants citizenship can receive it now. But if you win this race, the queen herself awards you with a medal. That's the moment I want for myself.""
""Why's that?""
""Because I want to see her looking shocked to death.""

In a vast forest lies a certain country, a place blessed with abundance, so wonderful that all travelers want to visit at least once. The country is so popular, in fact, that anyone who wishes to stay must enter the tournament held in the coliseum and battle for citizenship and the right to create a new law for the land...

Product Details

Series Title Kino's Journey
Japanese Title キノの旅 (Kino no Tabi)
Alternative Title Kino's Travels
Writer Iruka Shiomiya
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Adventure ,Drama ,Fantasy ,Mystery ,Sci-fi ,Shounen ,Anime ,Slice of Life ,Dogs / Wolves / Foxes
Available since November 14, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / November 14, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 182pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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