Sometimes, you just can't help yourself. And if that means showing up kingdom after kingdom of nobles, well, it's even better! Or so Kaoru thinks, as she establishes herself as a divine messenger. But as word of her potions and abilities spread, so too does the threat of war and external involvement.
Potions & Politics Don't Mix!
Sometimes, you just can't help yourself. And if that means showing up kingdom after kingdom of nobles, well, it's even better! Or so Kaoru thinks, as she establishes herself as a divine messenger. But as word of her potions and abilities spread, so too does the threat of war and external involvement. As old faces return for another piece of the action and new threats emerge across the continent, can the Eyes of the Goddess keep their benefactor safe from harm?
Copyright (C)2019 FUNA/Hibiki Kokonoe/Sukima
Series Title | I Shall Survive Using Potions! (Manga) |
Japanese Title | ポーション頼みで生き延びます! (Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu!) |
Author | FUNA |
Artist | Sukima |
Publisher | J-Novel Club |
Genre | Manga ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Fantasy ,Shounen ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Fall Anime 2023 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | August 05, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / August 05, 2020 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 195pages (*Note) |
US $8.99
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