The Hero VS the Blue Demon King.
The Blue Demons finally begin invading the Human World. The Demon Queen seeks to create a common front between humans and demons against the invading force. Meanwhile, the Older Maid Sister traveling with the Young Musician draw closer to the "story" at the origin of the world...
(C)Akira ISHIDA 2014 (C)2014 Touno Mamare/PUBLISHED BY ENTERBRAIN,INC.
Series Title | MAOYU : Archenemy and Hero “Become mine, Hero” “I refuse!” |
Japanese Title | まおゆう魔王勇者 「この我のものとなれ、勇者よ」「断る!」 (Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: 'Kono Ware no Mono to Nare, Yuusha yo' 'Kotowaru!') |
Alternative Title | Maoyu Maou Yusha, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha - 'Be mine, Hero' 'I refuse!' |
Art | Akira Ishida |
Original Work | Mamare Touno |
Character Design | Keinojou Mizutama and toi8 |
Publisher | KADOKAWA |
Genre | Manga ,Fantasy ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Action ,Romance ,Young Adult ,Anime ,Monster Girls ,Non-Human ,Dragon ,Maid ,Demon Lord / Demon King |
Available since | March 10, 2015 (08:00 AM) PT / March 11, 2015 (12:00 AM) JST |
Page count | 173pages (*Note) |
US $4.28
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