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The Tale of Genji: Dreams at Dawn 6 - Manga

  • Manga

Waki Yamato

About this eBook

Genji has reached the heights of worldly glory, but a new young wife begins to drive his life out of order. Living in an estate with his many wives, Genji wields the highest power in the country, but even so he still continues to search for his ideal woman--so he welcomes a young princess as his wife. Did he truly want this woman so badly, he would even hurt his most beloved Lady Murasaki to have her? Read this manga to have a good understanding of The Tale of Genji!

Product Details

Series Title The Tale of Genji: Dreams at Dawn
Japanese Title 源氏物語 あさきゆめみし (Genji Monogatari: Asaki Yumemishi)
Alternative Title Asakiyumemishi
Author Waki Yamato
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Drama ,Harem ,Historical ,Romance ,Shoujo ,Slice of Life
Available since August 06, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / August 06, 2019 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 266pages (*Note)

US $13.99

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