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A Kiss, For Real 9 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Fumie Akuta

About this eBook

Final volume! Our hit adolescent art-prep-school love story reaches its conclusion! Having become third-year students, our pair advances to the cram school. Chitose travels to Kanazawa on a trip and finds what she wants to do, and so her determination starts anew. After overcoming cross purposes and hardships, her relationship with Itsuki deepens, and seeing Chitose work hard, Itsuki also beomes determined to find his own path. At last, it's the climax of entrance exams and their love! The outcome of the pair's love and entrance exams is ...

Product Details

Series Title A Kiss, For Real
Japanese Title セキララにキス (Sekirara ni Kiss)
Writer Fumie Akuta
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Comedy ,Drama ,Romance ,School Life ,Shoujo ,Completed Series
Available since November 26, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / November 26, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 227pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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