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Record of Wortenia War: Volume 3 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel
  • Full Illust

Ryota Hori / bob

About this eBook

Rhoadseria's civil war grows fierce. Ryoma has acquired Princess Lupis's aid, but can his tactics open the way to a new fate?

Ryoma Mikoshiba prepares to open a new destiny for the Kingdom of Rhoadseria!

The Kingdom of Rhoadseria's inner turmoil grows all the more intense. Ryoma Mikoshiba, a high-schooler summoned to another world from modern day Japan, begins gathering forces for Princess Lupis, heir of the Rhoadserian throne. Lupis's camp gathers powerful warriors, like the mercenary woman Lione the Crimson Lion, but they're still at a vast numerical disadvantage.

But Ryoma marches into the battlefield, ready to decide the critical battle with strategies that would guarantee his victory...

Product Details

Series Title Record of Wortenia War
Japanese Title ウォルテニア戦記 (Wortenia Senki)
Author Ryota Hori
Artist bob
Publisher J-Novel Club
Genre Light Novels ,Action ,Adventure ,Drama ,Fantasy ,Harem ,Martial Arts ,Shounen ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Full-size Illustration ,Onee-san ,Royalty/Nobility
Available since November 30, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / November 30, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 187pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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