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GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka 8 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Toru Fujisawa

About this eBook

Caught in Urumi's blackmail scheme, Onizuka is forced to take his students out for an expensive meal. But, unable to pay for it, he decides to eat and run, turning his students into accomplices and getting hit by a car in the process. This unfortunate incident results in a happy reunion for Urumi and Tomoko, who haven't seen each other since grade school. Things get ugly, though, as details of Urumi's guarded past surface, and her classroom terrorism reaches an all-time high. Onizuka counterattacks with a plan that involves a motorcycle, an unfinished bridge, and nerves of steel.

<i>This content is from a former localization of this work and may contain phrases or scenes which were and are still offensive. Rather than omit this content, we have decided to present it in its original form to harbor conversation and growth among the community. Kodansha remains committed to the distribution of compelling stories worldwide, which serve as a lens through which we may view various communities.</i>

Product Details

Series Title GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
Japanese Title GTO (GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka)
Alternative Title GTO: Tomoko's Big Adventures
Writer Toru Fujisawa
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Seinen ,Completed Series ,Comedy ,School Life ,Ecchi ,Drama ,Teacher
Available since February 01, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / February 01, 2022 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 187pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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