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UQ HOLDER! 19 - Manga

  • Manga

Ken Akamatsu

About this eBook


The day of Karin's reckoning has come, as she must confront her own demons and finish her centuries- long battle with Evangeline. But who is needed to finally settle these old scores? What's more, this isn't the only dark past that will come back to haunt the members of UQ HOLDER, as the lines between good and evil become more and more blurred. Amid the cosmic clash of forces, the members of UQ HOLDER become further entangled with new contracts, new pactios, and all that comes with them. It's both hard and easy to forget when you live so long...

Product Details

Series Title UQ Holder
Japanese Title UQ HOLDER!
Alternative Title Yuukyuu Holder, Eternal Holder, UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2
Writer Ken Akamatsu
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Anime ,Magic ,Sci-fi ,Fantasy ,Action ,Non-Human ,Vampires ,Onee-san
Available since March 31, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / March 31, 2020 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 178pages (*Note)
Chapters included in this volume UQ Holder Chapter 153
UQ Holder Chapter 154
UQ Holder Chapter 155
UQ Holder Chapter 156

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